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Humane Society
Donate to the Carthage Humane Society

Your tax-deductible donation will help make vaccinations, medical treatment, and daily care available for our animals. Caring for the amount of animals we see during the year is very expensive and the majority of our money comes from donations.
Monetary gifts keep the doors open - but there are other ways you can help bring a wag to any tail!
Your gifts of giving can be in many forms.
Please click on following links to give
-Amazon Wish List! to view the current needs. Once purchased your Amazon items will be sent directly to CHS doorstep.
-Paypal allows easy safe transfers of your financial gift to help animals. - Click the donate button to the right.
-SignUp provides many opportunities to volunteer your time to help at your availability.
These tasks vary from dog walking, cage cleaning, yard work, to office work.
The needs change from time to time so keep checking please.

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