Humane Society
If you would like to help animals love and be loved—and live in a warm, caring, healthy environment— then please consider becoming a member of the Carthage Humane Society.
Membership Levels
Student (17 years and under) $10
Ten dollars provides one rabies vaccination
Individual (one adult) $35
Thirty-five dollars provides one spay or neuter procedure
Family (two or more in home) $55
Fifty-five dollars makes one cat or dog completely ready for adoption
Patron $250
Provides an emergency room visit for one injured animal
Lifetime $1,000
Provides medicines, equipment and each lifetime membership will help us maintain an on-site spay/neuter clinic
Becoming a member is easy – just complete the membership form(pdf) and send it, along with your membership fee, to the:
Carthage Humane Society
13860 Dog Kennel Lane
PO Box 1064
Carthage, MO 64836
Click Here to Download the Individual Membership Form
Individual Memberships